Lexmod is proud to offer free shipping on every order, no matter how big or small. We use Fedex ground for most orders and provide tracking numbers as soon as your purchase leaves the warehouse. For larger items and bulk orders, we use professional LTL freight carriers to ensure your big delivery arrives on a day of your choosing.
- Free drop off (FedEx ground) or Threshold (LTL freight delivery) shipping to all 48 continental U.S. States.
- Tracking numbers provided with up to date shipment information.
Note regarding freight deliveries:
- Transit times for freight(LTL) orders: Estimated 7-15 business days in transit
- All LTL deliveries are THRESHOLD, meaning that the LTL freight carrier will deliver to the front entrance of your house/building.
- Freight company will make every effort to call and schedule the delivery in advance.
- Orders that customers request be held at the freight company's facility due to prolonged unavailability may be subject to storage charges.
- Please call to see if your order qualifies for White Glove Delivery